Ack! I just have little to no time to draw it's a bit annoying... Recently it's just been exams and stressful events and it's just only the beginning I'm afraid... I have a few ideas of what I want to make but I just can't find it in me to actually do anything
Some of you may relate to this but when exams come up I just have this overwhelming pressure that comes from my lessons folder, as in I just sit there at my desk staring at my folder without actually doing anything and stressing about not doing anything ! :( And I could very well do something else to free my mind a little but I'd feel too guilty. I really dislike feeling this lazy it is very annoying to deal with and I just end up feeling guilty anyway :[
On the other hand I hope you guys are doing ok! I really like the stuff you guys have been posting recently ^^
hehehe I get that, when I'm not drawing I feel like I'm just wasting my time, like I could be doing something from all the things I wanna do yet here I am not doing anything at all.
But resting and having time for doing other stuff is important too, u know? if u are truly an artist, the moment to draw will get to you no matter what, so don't stress about it. ( ꈍᴗꈍ)